Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Some Important MATLAB codes for Control Theory

We can solve some kinds of Analysis of Control system using MATLAB codes. Control Systems Engineering is an exciting and challenging field and is a multidisciplinary subject. Control systems in an interdisciplinary field covering many areas of engineering and sciences. Control systems exist in many systems of engineering, sciences, and in human body. Some type of control systems affects most aspects of our day-to-day activities.
If H(s)=(x3-6x2+3x+14)/(x5+x4-5x3-9x2+x-11) is obtain the partial-fraction expansion of the ratio of two polynomials then we can determine the zero & pole by using MATLAB code.


Output of the code:    
                                       numerator =1    -6     3    14
                                      denominator = 1     1    -5    -9     1   -11
                                     zero =4.7466
                                     pole =2.5483         
                                               -1.9958 + 0.9768i
                                               -1.9958 - 0.9768i
                                               0.2216 + 0.9084i
                                               0.2216 - 0.9084i

We can use the MATLAB command step (sys) may also be used to obtain the unit-step response, rise time, peak time, max overshoot & settling time of a system. If H(s)= (16x+10)/(5x3+11x2+19x+10) is a control system then the command  step (sys) can be used where the system is defined by  sys = tf (num, den). The following MATLAB step commands with left hand arguments are used then no plot is shown on the screen.

                         num = [0,0,16,10]
                         den = [5,11,19,10]
                         t = 0:0.2.5:10;
                         [x, y, t] =step(num, den, t);
                         plot(t, y)
                         title ('Plot of unit-step response curves')
                          xlabel ('t Sec')
                         ylabel ('Response')
                         grid on
                        r1 = 1; while y(r1) < 0.1, r1 = r1 + 1; end
                        r2 = 1; while y(r2) < 0.9, r2 = r2 + 1; end
                        rise time = (r2-r1)*0.02
                        [ymax, tp] = max(y);
                       peak time = (tp-1)*0.02
                      max overshoot = ymax-1
                       s = 1001; while y(s) > 0.98 & y(s) < 1.02; s = s-1; end
                       settling time = (s-1)*0.02

Output of the code:
                            num =0     0    16    10
                            den = 5    11    19    10
                            rise time =0.7800
                            peak time =2.1400
                            max overshoot =0.4752
                           settling  time =7.4200

By using MATLAB codes we can also solve the Unit Step Response of the Control system.

                                      num = [0 0 16 20];
                                     den = [5 11 16 10];
                                      t = 0:0.3:15;
                                      r1 = (4+t);
                                     y1 = lsim(num, den, r1,t);
                                      plot(t, r1,t, y1,'o')
                                     grid on
                                     title('Response to input r(t) =(4+t)')
                                     xlabel('t Sec')
                                     ylabel('Input and output')
                                    text(0.5, 0.9, 'Input r1 =(4+t)')
                                    text(7.3, 0.6, 'Output')

Output of the code:

MATLAB codes can also be used for determining Root Locus, Bode diagram & Nyquist plot of a control system if  H(s)= (x+1)/(x3+3.6x2) is a control system.

                            For Root Locus:   
                                                           num = [0 0 1 1];
                                                          den = [1 3.6 0 0];
                                                           K1 = 0:0.1:2;
                                                           K2 = 2:0.02:2.5;
                                                           K3 = 2.5:0.5:10;
                                                           K4 = 10:1:50;
                                                           K5 = 50:5:900;
                                                          K = [K1 K2 K3 K4 K5];
                                                          r = rlocus(num, den, K);
                                                          plot(r, 'o')
                                                          grid on
                                                         title('Root - locus plot of G(s)H(s)')
                                                         xlabel('Real axis')
                                                         ylabel('Imaginary axis')
                     For Bode diagram:
                                                    num = [0 0 10 10];
                                                    den = [1 3.6 0 0];
                                                    grid on
                                                    bode(num, den);
                                             title ('Bode diagram of G(s)H(s)')
                       For Nyquist plot:
                                                 num = [0 0 10 10];
                                                 den = [1 3.6 0 0];
                                                 grid on

Output of the code:

By using MATLAB code we can solve transfer function of a state space equation. Now here is the MATLAB code.

                                            syms s
                                            A = [1 0];
                                            B = [s+3 1;-2 s];
                                           C = [0; 1];

Output of the code: 
                                          ans = -1/(s^2+3*s+2)

The Laplace transformation method is an operational method that can be used to find the transforms of time functions, the inverse Laplace transformation using the partial fraction expansion of H(s), where A(s). We present the computational methods with MATLAB to obtain the partial-fraction expansion of H(s) and the zeros and poles of H(s). MATLAB can be used to obtain the partial-fraction expansion of the ratio of two polynomials H(s)= B(s)/A(s). The coefficients of the numerator and denominator of B(s)/A(s) are specified by the num and den vectors. The MATLAB command r, p, k = residue(num, den) is used to determine the residues, direct terms of a partial-fraction expansion of the ratio of two polynomials B(s) and A(s) is then given by,

                                  num = [ 0 0 1 1 6];
                                  den = [1 1 1 0 12];
                                  [r, p, k] = residue(num, den)
                                 syms s
                                 f =((s*s)+s+6)/((s*s*s*s)+(s*s*s)+(s*s)+12);

Output of the code: 
                                  r =  0.0666 - 0.2011i
                                         0.0666 + 0.2011i
                                        -0.0666 - 0.2858i
                                        -0.0666 + 0.2858i
                                 p = -1.5069 + 1.4025i
                                       -1.5069 - 1.4025i
                                         1.0069 + 1.3482i
                                         1.0069 - 1.3482i
                                  k =[]
ans =      -1/9186*sum((245*_alpha^2+166*_alpha^3+291+1251*_alpha)*exp(_alpha*t),_alpha = RootOf(_Z^4+_Z^3+_Z^2+12))


  1. Replies
    1. This is useful to the students thank you for shared this..

      can you please share how to solve the control systems problems by using SCILAB...
